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December 03, 2004


Daniel Jackson

Yushchenko - Poisoned by Deuterium Oxide?

.......the special nature of water - that it is a polar molecule...with a dialectric constant 80 .. that h2o derives much of its 'chemical action' from its shape...the way in which the valence electrons are available......Although different isotopes of an element are on the whole chemically identical, deuterium (as the oxide) furnishes some dramatic exceptions...

Which brings up the idea that Yushchenko of the Ukraine was probably administered heavy water D2O a CHEMICAL effect. H20 is a universal solvent, D20 is not... Look for electron-magnetic water-signature, and possibly standard 'MRI' magnetic imaging (water-image) anomalies....

The amount would have to be some 30% of body weight, but not so difficult because the kidneys cannot easily eliminate D2O....

Biological Effects of Deuterium:
Many different experiments have been done to test the effects of deuterium on different body systems in rodents, the results of many of them have been complied by J.F. Thomson in Biological Effects of Deuterium. When pure deuterium oxide, heavy water, is given to rodents, it seems that it is unpalatable to them. To humans it would taste like distilled or de-aerated water. It is made more palatable to rodents by aeration and the addition of traces of salts.
When heavy water is given to these animals it is readily absorbed and it does not seem to be filtered out by the kidneys and excreted. The deuterium oxide will build up in the body systems until it reaches an equilibrium level that is usually about eighty percent of the concentration that is consumed by the rodents.
General results in rats and mice seem to be consistent. When zero to fifteen percent of the body water has been replaced by heavy water, there is little change in them except that they are unable to gain weight as fast as the control group. At fifteen to twenty percent the animals seem to be very excitable. At twenty to twenty five percent the animals are so excitable that they go into frequent convulsions when stimulated. Skin lesions, ulcers on the paws and muzzles, and necrosis of the tails appear. The animals also become very aggressive; the males are almost unmanageable. When thirty percent replacement occurs the animals refuse to eat and become comatose. Their body weight drops sharply and the metabolic rate of the mice drops far below normal. When replacement has reached thirty to thirty five percent the rodents die. It seems that no tolerance to deuterium oxide is developed over time but the effects are reversible unless more than thirty percent of the previous body weight has been lost due to heavy water.
In live rats that were given deuterium oxide the kidney function was studied: it was found that as the concentration of deuterium in the body increased the glomerular filtration rate and the renal plasma flow decreased. This caused the overall function of the kidneys to decrease as well. This process was also completely reversible; if the rats were placed back on water, the kidney function returned to normal in a short amount of time.
It was found that if the concentration of deuterium oxide in the body was over twenty to twenty five percent then the formation of mature erythrocytes, red blood cells, was completely inhibited. The red cell count was able to be restored to a normal level from as low as twenty five percent of the normal amount if the rats were placed back on normal water. The problem is that when the red cell count gets as low as twenty five percent many of the rodents were dying from anemia. Heavily deuterated rats also had a problem keeping a normal blood glucose level. Even when they were injected with glucose the level dropped to below normal in a couple hours. The rats were also unable to store glucose as liver glycogen.
The metabolic rate and body temperature of the mice depended on the concentration of deuterium oxide in their body. The metabolic rates and body temperatures of the rodents increased up through twenty percent deuterium in the body. Past twenty percent the metabolic rate and the body temperature began to drop.

Daniel Jackson
San Francisco
[email protected]

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